New Life Premium Customer Shopping Card (Loaded with 50,000cfa)


  • XAF: 50,000frs
  • GBP: £68.29

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Reload existing Gift Card
SKU: CRD1003 Category:
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This premium shopping card gives the holder the right to 50,000cfa worth of shopping from New Life. Shopping can be done online, by phone call or in shop. The card can always be reloaded.

What Can Our Premium Customer Card Be Used For:

For all our customers who hold a premium customer shopping card;

  1. We’d contact them weekly to obtain their weekly shopping list and deliver all items to them at home.
  2. They can call or text us at any time to provide a list and we’d deliver their items to them at home.
  3. Alternatively they can for shop on our website and have the items delivered (They just need to  enter the card number upon checkout).
  4. They can also visit our physical shop at commercial avenue and have their shopping transported to their home.(They just need to present card to cashier).

What Happens When A Premium Customer Card Is Purchased?

When a premium customer card is bought, the recipient’s name and address will be registered in our premium customers database. We shall deliver a physical card to the customer on the same day free of charge.

The card will be handed alongside a leaflet with instructions on how to use the card. We are more than happy to further explain to them for better understanding.

However, we shall contact our premium customers weekly to collect weekly shopping needs and deliver to them at home.

What To Do When Funds In Card Are Exhausted?

Our premium customer shopping cards are very durable and can be reloaded and reused.

We shall contact customer (or their benefactor) to inform them when their card is running our of funds. However, the card can be topped up on our website by selecting ‘premium customer shopping card’ and checking the ‘reload’ box and following the instructions..

Alternatively, the card holder can contact us by phone, text or whatsapp and give instructions for us to top up their card.

Can I Send Someone To Shop With My Shopping Card?

We very well understand the need to sometimes send another member of the household to use your gift card. We’d usually contact you by phone, just to double check if you gave permission for your card to be used.

What Happens If I Loose My Shopping Card

Please alert us immediately you realise you have lost your shopping card, so we can deactivate the current card and issue a new one.


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